Dvision Network
Dvision Network (DVI) is a token of the VR content ecosystem on the blockchain. The project is a virtual reality dictated by the fourth industrial revolution based on ICT.
News about Dvision Network
10 Feb 2022, 02:13
RT @news_of_bsc: BSC covers a wide range of products, and the great ones stand out immediately.
Here are the top 5 #BSC projects under 275…
RT @news_of_bsc: BSC covers a wide range of products, and the great ones stand out immediately.RT @news_of_bsc: BSC covers a wide range of products, and the great ones stand out immediately.
Here are the top 5 #BSC projects under 275…
07 Feb 2022, 06:09
Dvision LAND Sale Gleam Contest Results! 🙌
We are thrilled to announce the winners of the Gleam Contest conducted to commemorate the 2nd LAND Sale on Polygon. The 200 winners are distributed by $50 in DVI tokens and 20] winners are allocated with 1x1 LAND NFTs in Dvision Metaverse! The selection has been made randomly.
👉 The Gleam Winners:
[NOTICE]. Dvision LAND Sale Gleam Contest Results.[NOTICE]
Dvision LAND Sale Gleam Contest Results! 🙌
We are thrilled to announce the winners of the Gleam Contest conducted to commemorate the 2nd LAND Sale on Polygon. The 200 winners are distributed by $50 in DVI tokens and 20] winners are allocated with 1x1 LAND NFTs in Dvision Metaverse! The selection has been made randomly.
👉 The Gleam Winners: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CPSoYF5q6OzeRgICyAJ8Dj_IgCfR26SQz26atNI8d-o/edit?usp=sharing
04 Feb 2022, 03:23
RT @CoinMarketCap: (1/2)
Dvision Land NFTs & Limited CoinMarketCap #NFT Hoodies - New Diamond Listing
RT @CoinMarketCap: (1/2). Dvision Land NFTs & Limited CoinMarketCap #NFT Hoodies - New Diamond Listing. #CoinMarket….RT @CoinMarketCap: (1/2)
Dvision Land NFTs & Limited CoinMarketCap #NFT Hoodies - New Diamond Listing
03 Feb 2022, 06:30
Dvision Network is launching "Diamond #NFT Reward Campaign" together with @CoinMarketCap 🤩
👉10,000 limited-edition CMC Hoodies
▪️ All can be purchased here for Diamond Points:
👉Check out the details here:
Dvision Network is launching "Diamond #NFT Reward Campaign" together with @CoinMarketCap. 10,000 limited-edition CMC Hoodies.Dvision Network is launching "Diamond #NFT Reward Campaign" together with @CoinMarketCap 🤩
👉10,000 limited-edition CMC Hoodies
▪️ All can be purchased here for Diamond Points: https://t.co/JgwziJQKoN
👉Check out the details here: https://t.co/WoP4W09xdT
03 Feb 2022, 02:42
RT @BittrexGlobal: 📣 #AMA Announcement
Join the Dvision Network (DVI) team for our next video AMA!
Submit your questions here for a chance…
RT @BittrexGlobal: #AMA Announcement. Join the Dvision Network (DVI) team for our next video AMA.RT @BittrexGlobal: 📣 #AMA Announcement
Join the Dvision Network (DVI) team for our next video AMA!
Submit your questions here for a chance…
27 Jan 2022, 06:37
The Head of Business Development at @Dvision_network has joined the interview session led by the legendary @paulbarron to discuss the 2nd LAND Sale on @0xPolygon🤩
Thanks for hosting us on @paulbarrontv👏
#Metaverse #MultiChain #NFT
The Head of Business Development at @Dvision_network has joined the interview session led by the legendary @paulbarron to discusThe Head of Business Development at @Dvision_network has joined the interview session led by the legendary @paulbarron to discuss the 2nd LAND Sale on @0xPolygon🤩
Thanks for hosting us on @paulbarrontv👏
👉Link: https://t.co/ba9E4IGAsq
#Metaverse #MultiChain #NFT
27 Jan 2022, 06:03
#Dvision #DeFine #Polygon
DeFine is set to add the support on secondary trading for Dvision LAND NFTs on Polygon Mainnet! 💫
We are thrilled to announce that our cooperation with the DeFine Team is going multichain, as DeFine Marketplace is set to support the secondary trading of the Dvision LAND NFTs on Polygon, after the completion of the 2nd LAND Sale conducted on Dvision Marketplace and OpenSea. As a multi-chain platform that supports Polygon network, DeFine Marketplace will support the secondary trading of the Land NFTs built on top of Polygon Mainnet, so that both parties can work towards more significant adoption of NFTs on multiple layers. This will in turn enable our users to access the liquid market that DeFine offers.
Check the article:
#Dvision #DeFine #Polygon. DeFine is set to add the support on secondary trading for Dvision LAND NFTs on Polygon Mainnet.#Dvision #DeFine #Polygon
DeFine is set to add the support on secondary trading for Dvision LAND NFTs on Polygon Mainnet! 💫
We are thrilled to announce that our cooperation with the DeFine Team is going multichain, as DeFine Marketplace is set to support the secondary trading of the Dvision LAND NFTs on Polygon, after the completion of the 2nd LAND Sale conducted on Dvision Marketplace and OpenSea. As a multi-chain platform that supports Polygon network, DeFine Marketplace will support the secondary trading of the Land NFTs built on top of Polygon Mainnet, so that both parties can work towards more significant adoption of NFTs on multiple layers. This will in turn enable our users to access the liquid market that DeFine offers.
Check the article: https://defineplatform.medium.com/define-to-support-the-dvision-2nd-land-sale-on-polygon-enabling-secondary-trading-on-its-platform-67bec95fc75
25 Jan 2022, 09:15
#Dvision #Polygon #OpenSea
Dvision 2nd LAND Sale on OpenSea and Dvision Marketpalce — How Does it Work? ✅
Dear Dvision Community Members,
The 2nd LAND Sale on Polygon Ecosystem is set to be conducted via Dvision Marketplace and OpenSea on 27th January, 8 PM KST. This article will cover the full step-by-step participation process in this 2nd round of the Dvision LAND Sale and provide the necessary insights to the users, that are awaiting the upcoming virtual plot sale. To answer all your questions regarding the sale structure, rules and strategies, we have prepared a detailed article, that will cover all the necessary details regarding the LAND Sale on Dvison Marketplace and OpenSea. Make sure to check out this article in order to be prepared on 27th January for the most anticipated “2nd LAND Sale” on Polygon Mainnet!
👉 Check the article:
#Dvision #Polygon #OpenSea. Dvision 2nd LAND Sale on OpenSea and Dvision Marketpalce — How Does it Work.#Dvision #Polygon #OpenSea
Dvision 2nd LAND Sale on OpenSea and Dvision Marketpalce — How Does it Work? ✅
Dear Dvision Community Members,
The 2nd LAND Sale on Polygon Ecosystem is set to be conducted via Dvision Marketplace and OpenSea on 27th January, 8 PM KST. This article will cover the full step-by-step participation process in this 2nd round of the Dvision LAND Sale and provide the necessary insights to the users, that are awaiting the upcoming virtual plot sale. To answer all your questions regarding the sale structure, rules and strategies, we have prepared a detailed article, that will cover all the necessary details regarding the LAND Sale on Dvison Marketplace and OpenSea. Make sure to check out this article in order to be prepared on 27th January for the most anticipated “2nd LAND Sale” on Polygon Mainnet!
👉 Check the article: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/dvision-2nd-land-sale-on-opensea-and-dvision-marketpalce-how-does-it-work-65251cdafa5b
21 Jan 2022, 09:11
#Dvision #Polygon #OpenSea
Dvision Network to conduct 2nd LAND Sale on Polygon via Dvision Marketplace and OpenSea! 🔥
It’s finally official! 💫
We are thrilled to announce that Dvision is set to conduct the 2nd LAND Sale on Polygon Mainnet. LAND NFTs, essential units in our Meta-Cities, will be evenly provided for the sale on our native Dvision Marketplace and OpenSea through the Polygon Ecosystem. The ERC-721 compatible LAND NFTs will be minted on Polygon Mainnet and all the ecosystem-related activities are going to occur within their native chain-supported marketplaces. Also, we will also keep onboarding the Polygon Partners via our mutual LAND NFT Grant Program. The LAND Sale is planned to launch on 27th January at 20:00 PM KST!
➡️ Check the details here:
#Dvision #Polygon #OpenSea. Dvision Network to conduct 2nd LAND Sale on Polygon via Dvision Marketplace and OpenSea.#Dvision #Polygon #OpenSea
Dvision Network to conduct 2nd LAND Sale on Polygon via Dvision Marketplace and OpenSea! 🔥
It’s finally official! 💫
We are thrilled to announce that Dvision is set to conduct the 2nd LAND Sale on Polygon Mainnet. LAND NFTs, essential units in our Meta-Cities, will be evenly provided for the sale on our native Dvision Marketplace and OpenSea through the Polygon Ecosystem. The ERC-721 compatible LAND NFTs will be minted on Polygon Mainnet and all the ecosystem-related activities are going to occur within their native chain-supported marketplaces. Also, we will also keep onboarding the Polygon Partners via our mutual LAND NFT Grant Program. The LAND Sale is planned to launch on 27th January at 20:00 PM KST!
➡️ Check the details here: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/dvision-network-to-conduct-2nd-land-sale-on-polygon-via-dvision-marketplace-and-opensea-5447e48d6bf7
20 Jan 2022, 09:01
#Dvision #Polygon #ProjectGalaxy
Dvision Network onboards Project Galaxy as a part of the “Polygon Partners LAND Grant Program” 💫
We are excited to announce that we are launching the “Polygon LAND Grant Program” to onboard the strategic Polygon-based partners and open the gate for them to our metaverse by allocating LAND NFT. We are glad to start our cooperation with one of the top NFT-as-a-Service providers — Project Galaxy, which is the largest Web3 credential data network with a protocol that powers on-chain credentials with plug-and-play NFT modules. Dvision Network is pleased to allocate the premium LAND NFT to allow Project Galaxy’s team to begin creating NFTs with multiple use-cases within the Meta-Cities. Project Galaxy is not just an NFT creator, but creative Web3 products developers who design the use-cases for each NFT. The permissionless infrastructure of Project Galaxy will let Dvision Network users create, distribute, and GamiFI NFTs with the customized on-chain data. Cheers to their entrance to the ultimate blockchain-based metaverse through the bridge built with Polygon!
➡️ Link to article:
#Dvision #Polygon #ProjectGalaxy.#Dvision #Polygon #ProjectGalaxy
Dvision Network onboards Project Galaxy as a part of the “Polygon Partners LAND Grant Program” 💫
We are excited to announce that we are launching the “Polygon LAND Grant Program” to onboard the strategic Polygon-based partners and open the gate for them to our metaverse by allocating LAND NFT. We are glad to start our cooperation with one of the top NFT-as-a-Service providers — Project Galaxy, which is the largest Web3 credential data network with a protocol that powers on-chain credentials with plug-and-play NFT modules. Dvision Network is pleased to allocate the premium LAND NFT to allow Project Galaxy’s team to begin creating NFTs with multiple use-cases within the Meta-Cities. Project Galaxy is not just an NFT creator, but creative Web3 products developers who design the use-cases for each NFT. The permissionless infrastructure of Project Galaxy will let Dvision Network users create, distribute, and GamiFI NFTs with the customized on-chain data. Cheers to their entrance to the ultimate blockchain-based metaverse through the bridge built with Polygon!
➡️ Link to article: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/dvision-network-onboards-project-galaxy-as-a-part-of-the-polygon-partners-land-grant-program-11461b763a2e
13 Jan 2022, 09:04
#Dvision #Polygon #NFT
Dvision LAND NFTs are coming to Polygon! 🔥
Dear Community Members,
We are thrilled to announce, that we have finalized the support of the Polygon Network in Dvision! We are now set to release our LAND NFTs on Polygon Mainnet as a part of our initiative to become an ultimate multichain metaverse protocol, now officially supporting Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, and Polygon Networks. As you might have already guessed, the 2nd LAND Sale will be occurring on the Polygon’s Ecosystem and the LANDs will be minted according to the Polygon NFT standards. Stay tuned for more news and updates!
👉 Dedicated Article:
#Dvision #Polygon #NFT. Dvision LAND NFTs are coming to Polygon. Dear Community Members,.#Dvision #Polygon #NFT
Dvision LAND NFTs are coming to Polygon! 🔥
Dear Community Members,
We are thrilled to announce, that we have finalized the support of the Polygon Network in Dvision! We are now set to release our LAND NFTs on Polygon Mainnet as a part of our initiative to become an ultimate multichain metaverse protocol, now officially supporting Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, and Polygon Networks. As you might have already guessed, the 2nd LAND Sale will be occurring on the Polygon’s Ecosystem and the LANDs will be minted according to the Polygon NFT standards. Stay tuned for more news and updates!
👉 Dedicated Article: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/dvision-land-nfts-are-coming-to-polygon-5f1721fc09da
06 Jan 2022, 08:27
#Dvision #Clover #Partnership
Dvision Network Initiates Wallet Incentive Program and Hosts Large Giveaway with Clover Finance 🔥
Dear community members,
We are excited to announce that we have joined forces with Clover Finance in order to integrate their multichain digital wallet within our Dapp and add ERC-20 and BEP-20 standards of DVI token into their cross-chain wallet solution. Not only that, Clover Finance will be hosting the Incentive Program in order to provide CLV tokens to the new users in Dvision Dapp, that will join the metaverse using the Clover Finance Wallet. In order to commemorate the strategically crucial collaboration between Clover Finance and Dvision Network, we will be holding a “Gleam Contest” where up to 10 LAND NFTs and 5000 CLV tokens will be airdropped among the participants!
👉Link to the Gleam Contest:
Dedicated Article:
#Dvision #Clover #Partnership. Dvision Network Initiates Wallet Incentive Program and Hosts Large Giveaway with Clover Finance.#Dvision #Clover #Partnership
Dvision Network Initiates Wallet Incentive Program and Hosts Large Giveaway with Clover Finance 🔥
Dear community members,
We are excited to announce that we have joined forces with Clover Finance in order to integrate their multichain digital wallet within our Dapp and add ERC-20 and BEP-20 standards of DVI token into their cross-chain wallet solution. Not only that, Clover Finance will be hosting the Incentive Program in order to provide CLV tokens to the new users in Dvision Dapp, that will join the metaverse using the Clover Finance Wallet. In order to commemorate the strategically crucial collaboration between Clover Finance and Dvision Network, we will be holding a “Gleam Contest” where up to 10 LAND NFTs and 5000 CLV tokens will be airdropped among the participants!
👉Link to the Gleam Contest: https://gleam.io/FtUeg/dvision-clover-finance-large-giveaway
Dedicated Article: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/dvision-network-initiates-wallet-incentive-program-and-hosts-large-giveaway-with-clover-finance-5e64854d6f2f
03 Jan 2022, 06:00
#Dvision #Annual #Summary
The Dvision Network 2021 Year in Review: Your Ultimate Metaverse! ❤️
Dear community members,
First and foremost, we want to express our highest gratitude to our community, users, supporters and partners, that have joined and stayed with us during this wonderful 2021 year. You might agree, that it’s been a tremendously productive and challenging year for everyone. Dvision Network has gone through spectacular growth and a path full of challenging yet rewarding experiences. In this article, we shall summarize all the most important things that have occurred in 2021 in Dvision and disclose the roadmap achieved milestones, and beyond it.
➡️Check out the article:
➡️ Check out the dope trailer:
#Dvision #Annual #Summary. The Dvision Network 2021 Year in Review: Your Ultimate Metaverse. Dear community members,.#Dvision #Annual #Summary
The Dvision Network 2021 Year in Review: Your Ultimate Metaverse! ❤️
Dear community members,
First and foremost, we want to express our highest gratitude to our community, users, supporters and partners, that have joined and stayed with us during this wonderful 2021 year. You might agree, that it’s been a tremendously productive and challenging year for everyone. Dvision Network has gone through spectacular growth and a path full of challenging yet rewarding experiences. In this article, we shall summarize all the most important things that have occurred in 2021 in Dvision and disclose the roadmap achieved milestones, and beyond it.
➡️Check out the article: https://dvision-network.medium.com/194bd2a58c7a
➡️ Check out the dope trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywATNOVwN1M
24 Dec 2021, 06:44
#Dvision #Roadmap #Update
Dvision Network: 2022 Development Roadmap Update ✅
Dear community members,
It’s officially Christmas Eve and we’re almost at the ending point of 2021. It’s been a truly blessed and challenging year, as we have grown significantly as an industry player and a standalone company. We managed to conduct several huge events, such as Binance Smart Chain 1st Anniversary after we came over to the BSC network. We have conducted multiple listings on large exchanges for DVI and got it supported on several leading custody platforms, such as Coinbase Custody. Most importantly, we have officially launched the Dvision World and conducted the most successful LAND Sale in our history together with Binance NFT and NFTb. We are cordially saying our farewell to 2021 and bring our sincere gratitude to this year for all of its bearings, and we’re thrilled to introduce to our community’s attention our updated roadmap for 2022! Let’s see together, what grandiose plans we have prepared for 2022! In the meanwhile, Dvision Team wishes the Merriest Christmas! ❤️
👉 Link to article:
#Dvision #Roadmap #Update. Dvision Network: 2022 Development Roadmap Update. Dear community members,.#Dvision #Roadmap #Update
Dvision Network: 2022 Development Roadmap Update ✅
Dear community members,
It’s officially Christmas Eve and we’re almost at the ending point of 2021. It’s been a truly blessed and challenging year, as we have grown significantly as an industry player and a standalone company. We managed to conduct several huge events, such as Binance Smart Chain 1st Anniversary after we came over to the BSC network. We have conducted multiple listings on large exchanges for DVI and got it supported on several leading custody platforms, such as Coinbase Custody. Most importantly, we have officially launched the Dvision World and conducted the most successful LAND Sale in our history together with Binance NFT and NFTb. We are cordially saying our farewell to 2021 and bring our sincere gratitude to this year for all of its bearings, and we’re thrilled to introduce to our community’s attention our updated roadmap for 2022! Let’s see together, what grandiose plans we have prepared for 2022! In the meanwhile, Dvision Team wishes the Merriest Christmas! ❤️
👉 Link to article: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/dvision-network-2022-development-roadmap-update-fb9db074a282
23 Dec 2021, 03:30
#Dvision #Bithumb #Event
Dvision is holding a Christmas Event with the Bithumb Korea 🔥
Dear community members,
We are thrilled to announce, that we’re holding a trading competition with Bithumb Korea. We will be airdropping the most valuable NFT pieces in Dvision Metaverse by providing the most active users LAND Lots. The event period is 23~26 December 2021. Apart from the LAND NFTs, the active traders are eligible to claim DVI tokens through the gradual distribution by their contribution rate.
👉Learn more details under this post:
#Dvision #Bithumb #Event. Dvision is holding a Christmas Event with the Bithumb Korea. Dear community members,.#Dvision #Bithumb #Event
Dvision is holding a Christmas Event with the Bithumb Korea 🔥
Dear community members,
We are thrilled to announce, that we’re holding a trading competition with Bithumb Korea. We will be airdropping the most valuable NFT pieces in Dvision Metaverse by providing the most active users LAND Lots. The event period is 23~26 December 2021. Apart from the LAND NFTs, the active traders are eligible to claim DVI tokens through the gradual distribution by their contribution rate.
👉Learn more details under this post: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/dvision-is-holding-a-christmas-event-with-the-bithumb-korea-9bca18db60fb
08 Dec 2021, 13:30
#Dvision #LAND #RepublicRealm
Republic Realm invests in Dvision Metaverse through the LAND Acquisition!🔥
Dear Dvision Network community,
We are thrilled to announce that the leading investor and developer of the metaverse - Republic Realm, which has recently broke the record by acquiring the largest LAND Plot for $4.3 million, has made a strategic investment in our metaverse through the large portion of the LAND Acquisition. Republic Realm has acquired 18 of the most premium 3x3 LAND Lots within the Seoul and New York Meta-Cities, valued around $700,000 in the first two of 20 Meta-Cities that Dvision is building, where both Seoul and New York Meta-Cities are designed to resemble their actual cities.
👉 Link to the article:
#Dvision #LAND #RepublicRealm. Republic Realm invests in Dvision Metaverse through the LAND Acquisition.#Dvision #LAND #RepublicRealm
Republic Realm invests in Dvision Metaverse through the LAND Acquisition!🔥
Dear Dvision Network community,
We are thrilled to announce that the leading investor and developer of the metaverse - Republic Realm, which has recently broke the record by acquiring the largest LAND Plot for $4.3 million, has made a strategic investment in our metaverse through the large portion of the LAND Acquisition. Republic Realm has acquired 18 of the most premium 3x3 LAND Lots within the Seoul and New York Meta-Cities, valued around $700,000 in the first two of 20 Meta-Cities that Dvision is building, where both Seoul and New York Meta-Cities are designed to resemble their actual cities.
👉 Link to the article: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/republic-realm-invests-in-dvision-metaverse-through-the-land-acquisition-ffff64cb7753
06 Dec 2021, 09:15
#Dvision #NFT #Refinable
Dvision LAND NFT — P2P Trading Competition to be conducted on Refinable!🔥
Dear Dvision Network community,
We are proud to announce that Dvision is going to hold Dvision LAND NFT P2P “Trading Competition” on the Refinable Platform. It’s a pleasure to note that the secondary trading for the LAND NFTs on the Refinable has been pretty steady and active during the previous week since its inception. The trading competition is held in order to provide the users and the traders with the best rewarding experience on the Refinable’s platform, engaging with the Dvision LAND NFTs. More than $10,000 in USDT and up to an additional 20,000 FINE tokens will be provided to the top traders that will be evaluated by the sum of their buying and selling volume of the Dvision LAND NFTs.
👉 Link to the article:
#Dvision #NFT #Refinable. Dvision LAND NFT — P2P Trading Competition to be conducted on Refinable.#Dvision #NFT #Refinable
Dvision LAND NFT — P2P Trading Competition to be conducted on Refinable!🔥
Dear Dvision Network community,
We are proud to announce that Dvision is going to hold Dvision LAND NFT P2P “Trading Competition” on the Refinable Platform. It’s a pleasure to note that the secondary trading for the LAND NFTs on the Refinable has been pretty steady and active during the previous week since its inception. The trading competition is held in order to provide the users and the traders with the best rewarding experience on the Refinable’s platform, engaging with the Dvision LAND NFTs. More than $10,000 in USDT and up to an additional 20,000 FINE tokens will be provided to the top traders that will be evaluated by the sum of their buying and selling volume of the Dvision LAND NFTs.
👉 Link to the article: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/dvision-land-nft-p2p-trading-competition-to-be-conducted-on-refinable-813170e65e04
29 Nov 2021, 07:59
#Dvision #NFT #DeFine
Dvision to enable P2P trading for its NFTs on the DeFine Marketplace!🔥
Dear Dvision Network community,
We are thrilled to announce that we have signed a partnership agreement with DeFine, the NFT social platform for all types of creators. From now on, all the NFTs that were purchased on the Dvision Marketplace can further be traded on DeFine's platform, including but not limited to LAND, Avatar, Equipment, and other types of NFTs associated with Dvision. Dvision NFTs expansion to DeFine's ecosystem is the next-level adoption for its broader availability, tradability, and outreach for the digital assets associated with our metaverse!
👉 Link to the article:
#Dvision #NFT #DeFine. Dvision to enable P2P trading for its NFTs on the DeFine Marketplace. Dear Dvision Network community,.#Dvision #NFT #DeFine
Dvision to enable P2P trading for its NFTs on the DeFine Marketplace!🔥
Dear Dvision Network community,
We are thrilled to announce that we have signed a partnership agreement with DeFine, the NFT social platform for all types of creators. From now on, all the NFTs that were purchased on the Dvision Marketplace can further be traded on DeFine's platform, including but not limited to LAND, Avatar, Equipment, and other types of NFTs associated with Dvision. Dvision NFTs expansion to DeFine's ecosystem is the next-level adoption for its broader availability, tradability, and outreach for the digital assets associated with our metaverse!
👉 Link to the article: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/dvision-to-enable-p2p-trading-for-its-nfts-on-the-define-marketplace-e92b24246f0a
26 Nov 2021, 07:57
#Dvision #LAND #Refinable
Dvision to enable the Exclusive Secondary Marketplace for LAND NFTs on Refinable!🔥
Dear Dvision Network community,
We are thrilled to announce that another largest NFT marketplace is joining our LAND Sale campaign to support our exclusive secondary sales on their platform! Although all the LANDs were sold out on all three platforms in a very short period of time, we are glad to welcome Refinable to our ecosystem to help Dvision NFT holders to engage in P2P trading on their platform, enabling the LAND NFTs to be traded in a permissionless way.
Refinable is a decentralized multi-chain NFT platform and marketplace designed for creating, trading, exploring, and leveraging NFTs. Refinable is committed to supporting secondary trading on its platform. Thus, the users that have purchased the LAND NFTs on Dvision Marketplace, Binance NFT, and NFTb will be able to connect their MetaMask wallets with the LAND NFT stored in it and trade it directly on the Refinable Platform. Learn the details under this post.
👉 Link to the article:
👉 Link to the Refinable Marketplace:
#Dvision #LAND #Refinable. Dvision to enable the Exclusive Secondary Marketplace for LAND NFTs on Refinable.#Dvision #LAND #Refinable
Dvision to enable the Exclusive Secondary Marketplace for LAND NFTs on Refinable!🔥
Dear Dvision Network community,
We are thrilled to announce that another largest NFT marketplace is joining our LAND Sale campaign to support our exclusive secondary sales on their platform! Although all the LANDs were sold out on all three platforms in a very short period of time, we are glad to welcome Refinable to our ecosystem to help Dvision NFT holders to engage in P2P trading on their platform, enabling the LAND NFTs to be traded in a permissionless way.
Refinable is a decentralized multi-chain NFT platform and marketplace designed for creating, trading, exploring, and leveraging NFTs. Refinable is committed to supporting secondary trading on its platform. Thus, the users that have purchased the LAND NFTs on Dvision Marketplace, Binance NFT, and NFTb will be able to connect their MetaMask wallets with the LAND NFT stored in it and trade it directly on the Refinable Platform. Learn the details under this post.
👉 Link to the article: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/dvision-to-enable-the-exclusive-secondary-marketplace-for-land-nfts-on-refinable-46096e5ab2cf
👉 Link to the Refinable Marketplace: https://app.refinable.com/collections/dvision-metaverse-land?tab=all-items
24 Nov 2021, 11:51
[NOTICE] Dvision LAND Sale is over in 5 minutes! ALL SOLD OUT!
Dear community members,
The LAND Sale in Binance NFT was over in 1 second and the secondary sales are occuring on x40 at this moment. All the LAND Lots were sold out on Dvision in a matter of 4-5 minutes! The NFTb sales are also over at this moment! All the LANDs are SOLD OUT OFFICIALY!
Thank you everyone for your kind participation. We will soon announce about the updates on the secondary marketplace support for the LAND NFTs.
👉 (Sold Out) Dvision Marketplace:
👉 (Sold Out) Binance NFT:
👉 (Sold Out) NFTb:
[NOTICE] Dvision LAND Sale is over in 5 minutes. ALL SOLD OUT. Dear community members,.[NOTICE] Dvision LAND Sale is over in 5 minutes! ALL SOLD OUT!
Dear community members,
The LAND Sale in Binance NFT was over in 1 second and the secondary sales are occuring on x40 at this moment. All the LAND Lots were sold out on Dvision in a matter of 4-5 minutes! The NFTb sales are also over at this moment! All the LANDs are SOLD OUT OFFICIALY!
Thank you everyone for your kind participation. We will soon announce about the updates on the secondary marketplace support for the LAND NFTs.
👉 (Sold Out) Dvision Marketplace: https://dvision.app/en/market/bsc
👉 (Sold Out) Binance NFT: https://www.binance.com/en/nft/blindBox/detail?productId=159181435725987840
👉 (Sold Out) NFTb: https://nftb.io/launchpad/dvision-network/
24 Nov 2021, 11:14
#Dvision #LAND #LIVE
Dvision "LAND SALE" has officially started on Binance NFT / NFTb / Dvision Marketplace 🔥
Dear Dvision Network community,
The "LAND SALE" has officially started on Binance NFT, NFTb and Dvision Marketplace. The Mystery Boxes on the Binance NFT sold for $90 are currently sold on the marketplace on x20 ~ x25! NFTb and Dvision Marketplace are currently experiencing huge traffic, but the LANDs are available for sale! Make sure not to miss this opportunity!
👉 Dvision Marketplace:
👉 Binance NFT:
👉 NFTb:
#Dvision #LAND #LIVE. Dvision "LAND SALE" has officially started on Binance NFT / NFTb / Dvision Marketplace.#Dvision #LAND #LIVE
Dvision "LAND SALE" has officially started on Binance NFT / NFTb / Dvision Marketplace 🔥
Dear Dvision Network community,
The "LAND SALE" has officially started on Binance NFT, NFTb and Dvision Marketplace. The Mystery Boxes on the Binance NFT sold for $90 are currently sold on the marketplace on x20 ~ x25! NFTb and Dvision Marketplace are currently experiencing huge traffic, but the LANDs are available for sale! Make sure not to miss this opportunity!
👉 Dvision Marketplace: https://dvision.app/en/market/land-map
👉 Binance NFT: https://www.binance.com/en/nft/blindBox/detail?productId=159181435725987840
👉 NFTb: https://nftb.io/launchpad/dvision-network/
23 Nov 2021, 08:02
#Dvision #LAND #Polygon
Polygon Studios joins Dvision’s Metaverse through 1st round LAND allocation 🔥
Dear Dvision Network community,
We are proud to welcome our strategic partner Polygon Studios to our metaverse, that has joined through our partner LAND Allocation program! Polygon Studios is the Gaming and NFT arm of Polygon focused on growing the global Blockchain Gaming and NFT Industry and bridging the gap between Web 2 and Web 3 gaming through investment, marketing and developer support. Dvision will also be implementing Polygon into the platform in an effort to scale the performance on the Ethereum Mainnet.
👉 Link to the article:
#Dvision #LAND #Polygon. Polygon Studios joins Dvision's Metaverse through 1st round LAND allocation.#Dvision #LAND #Polygon
Polygon Studios joins Dvision’s Metaverse through 1st round LAND allocation 🔥
Dear Dvision Network community,
We are proud to welcome our strategic partner Polygon Studios to our metaverse, that has joined through our partner LAND Allocation program! Polygon Studios is the Gaming and NFT arm of Polygon focused on growing the global Blockchain Gaming and NFT Industry and bridging the gap between Web 2 and Web 3 gaming through investment, marketing and developer support. Dvision will also be implementing Polygon into the platform in an effort to scale the performance on the Ethereum Mainnet.
👉 Link to the article: https://medium.com/@_polygonstudios/polygon-studios-joins-dvisions-metaverse-through-1st-round-land-allocation-f3c94a758681
23 Nov 2021, 05:13
#Dvision #LAND #SALE
The “LAND Sale” on Binance NFT & NFTb and Dvision — How Does it Work? 🧐
Dear Dvision Network community,
We are aware, that many of you are already waiting for the largest Dvision “LAND Sale”, which is going to occur on 24th November at 8:00 PM KST (11 AM UTC) on Binance NFT, NFTb, and Dvision Marketplace simultaneously! To answer all your questions regarding the sale structure, rules and strategies, we have prepared a detailed article, that will cover all the necessary details regarding the LAND Sale on each platform. Make sure to check out this article in order to be prepared on 24th November for the most anticipated “LAND Sale” on Binance Smart Chain!
👉 [IMPORTANT] Link to the article:
👉 Link to the Binance NFT:
👉 Link to the NFTb:
#Dvision #LAND #SALE. The "LAND Sale" on Binance NFT & NFTb and Dvision — How Does it Work. Dear Dvision Network community,.#Dvision #LAND #SALE
The “LAND Sale” on Binance NFT & NFTb and Dvision — How Does it Work? 🧐
Dear Dvision Network community,
We are aware, that many of you are already waiting for the largest Dvision “LAND Sale”, which is going to occur on 24th November at 8:00 PM KST (11 AM UTC) on Binance NFT, NFTb, and Dvision Marketplace simultaneously! To answer all your questions regarding the sale structure, rules and strategies, we have prepared a detailed article, that will cover all the necessary details regarding the LAND Sale on each platform. Make sure to check out this article in order to be prepared on 24th November for the most anticipated “LAND Sale” on Binance Smart Chain!
👉 [IMPORTANT] Link to the article: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/the-land-sale-on-binance-nft-nftb-and-dvision-how-does-it-work-9bdcbad9e088
👉 Link to the Binance NFT: https://www.binance.com/en/nft/blindBox/detail?productId=159181435725987840
👉 Link to the NFTb: https://nftb.io/launch/
18 Nov 2021, 07:24
#Dvision #LAND #SALE
The Largest Dvision “LAND Sale” to be conducted in tripartite collab between Binance NFT & NFTb & Dvision Marketplace 🔥
Dear Dvision Network community,
We are thrilled to announce, that the Dvision “LAND Sale” date has been officially confirmed! Dvision LAND Sale is going to occur on 24th November at 8:00 PM KST (11 AM UTC). We are going to hold the Largest Dvision “LAND Sale” in tripartite collaboration between Binance NFT & NFTb & Dvision Marketplace. Dvision will be offering around 1450 Mystery Boxes via Binance NFT exclusively for the Binance.com users, around 1495 LAND Boxes to be offered via INO on NFTb, and around 1485 LAND Lots without any randomization will be offered in Dvision’s own Marketplace. A more detailed announcement will be released after the countdown on our website approaches its logical end on 24th November!
👉 Link to the article:
👉 Link to the teaser:
#Dvision #LAND #SALE.#Dvision #LAND #SALE
The Largest Dvision “LAND Sale” to be conducted in tripartite collab between Binance NFT & NFTb & Dvision Marketplace 🔥
Dear Dvision Network community,
We are thrilled to announce, that the Dvision “LAND Sale” date has been officially confirmed! Dvision LAND Sale is going to occur on 24th November at 8:00 PM KST (11 AM UTC). We are going to hold the Largest Dvision “LAND Sale” in tripartite collaboration between Binance NFT & NFTb & Dvision Marketplace. Dvision will be offering around 1450 Mystery Boxes via Binance NFT exclusively for the Binance.com users, around 1495 LAND Boxes to be offered via INO on NFTb, and around 1485 LAND Lots without any randomization will be offered in Dvision’s own Marketplace. A more detailed announcement will be released after the countdown on our website approaches its logical end on 24th November!
👉 Link to the article: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/the-largest-dvision-land-sale-to-be-conducted-in-tripartite-collab-between-binance-nft-nftb-3321f6bb2e86
👉 Link to the teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sR3fcRS3wM
17 Nov 2021, 14:22
#Dvision #Metaverse #Coingecko
It's getting HOT! Have you managed to participate in the LAND Airdrop? 😍
Dear Dvision Network community,
The LAND Airdrop dedicated for the GeckoCon Attendees is going pretty tough, as the user engagement is topping at the high level! Don't miss the opportunity and try to access the metaverse to participate in the ongoing LAND Airdrop and 1 Rare Mascot NFT for the GeckoCon Attendees!
👉 Check it out yourself:
👉 Read the instructions:
#Dvision #Metaverse #Coingecko. It's getting HOT. Have you managed to participate in the LAND Airdrop.#Dvision #Metaverse #Coingecko
It's getting HOT! Have you managed to participate in the LAND Airdrop? 😍
Dear Dvision Network community,
The LAND Airdrop dedicated for the GeckoCon Attendees is going pretty tough, as the user engagement is topping at the high level! Don't miss the opportunity and try to access the metaverse to participate in the ongoing LAND Airdrop and 1 Rare Mascot NFT for the GeckoCon Attendees!
👉 Check it out yourself: https://youtu.be/0N_qRS0SqqM
👉 Read the instructions: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/dvision-world-is-now-officially-live-56bd7f1ac4db
16 Nov 2021, 09:46
#Dvision #Metaverse #Coingecko
Dvision to conduct a special LAND Airdrop for the GeckoCon Attendees! 🔥
Dear Dvision Network community,
We are proud to announce that we are the bronze sponsor of the largest NFT forum conducted by Coingecko: GeckoCon NFTs Gone Wild. To commemorate our celebration and cooperation with the Coingecko team on this occasion, we are distributing the most precious NFTs — LAND Lots and Rare Coingecko Mascot NFT to the GeckoCon attendees, which will be held between 17 ~ 19 November. About 27 Lots of the Premium and Regular Land NFTs will be distributed to the winners that will participate in 4 different in-game events. Please take into account, that all the users will have to be whitelisted with the referral code, that will be available on our virtual booth on GeckoCon’s conference hall.
[IMPORTANT]: All details regarding the LAND Airdrop here:
#Dvision #Metaverse #Coingecko. Dvision to conduct a special LAND Airdrop for the GeckoCon Attendees.#Dvision #Metaverse #Coingecko
Dvision to conduct a special LAND Airdrop for the GeckoCon Attendees! 🔥
Dear Dvision Network community,
We are proud to announce that we are the bronze sponsor of the largest NFT forum conducted by Coingecko: GeckoCon NFTs Gone Wild. To commemorate our celebration and cooperation with the Coingecko team on this occasion, we are distributing the most precious NFTs — LAND Lots and Rare Coingecko Mascot NFT to the GeckoCon attendees, which will be held between 17 ~ 19 November. About 27 Lots of the Premium and Regular Land NFTs will be distributed to the winners that will participate in 4 different in-game events. Please take into account, that all the users will have to be whitelisted with the referral code, that will be available on our virtual booth on GeckoCon’s conference hall.
[IMPORTANT]: All details regarding the LAND Airdrop here: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/dvision-to-conduct-a-special-land-airdrop-for-the-geckocon-attendees-aedfcc5f1ccc
11 Nov 2021, 05:07
#Dvision #Update #Notice
Dvision to hold Weekly Update Maintenance Routine in Dvision World⛓
Welcome to another world, Dvision World!
We’d like to inform you of the routine maintenance schedule for Dvision World. Please note that you will not be able to access Dvision World during this routine maintenance. We recommend checking the time carefully so that you won’t be inconvenienced. From 11th November 05:00 to 7:00 AM UTC users will not be able to visit the metaverse due to the update.
Please refer to the post below for more information:
#Dvision #Update #Notice. Dvision to hold Weekly Update Maintenance Routine in Dvision World.#Dvision #Update #Notice
Dvision to hold Weekly Update Maintenance Routine in Dvision World⛓
Welcome to another world, Dvision World!
We’d like to inform you of the routine maintenance schedule for Dvision World. Please note that you will not be able to access Dvision World during this routine maintenance. We recommend checking the time carefully so that you won’t be inconvenienced. From 11th November 05:00 to 7:00 AM UTC users will not be able to visit the metaverse due to the update.
Please refer to the post below for more information: https://dvision.app/en/news-detail/26
01 Nov 2021, 09:34
#Dvision #Metaverse #LIVE
Play the Squid Game and receive Rare and Unique NFTs in Dvision World NOW🔥
Did you know, that Dvision World has introduced the Squid Game-related gaming activities, such as Red Light & Green Light and Glass Bridge contest? All the high-ranked winners will be provided with an opportunity to win the Daily & Weekly NFT Boxes with very unique and attractive NFTs to be dropped on a random basis!
👉 Check out the article here to learn more:
👉 Play the game now:
🔥 We will give $500 to 5 people randomly (RT & Tag 3 friends):
#Dvision #Metaverse #LIVE. Play the Squid Game and receive Rare and Unique NFTs in Dvision World NOW.#Dvision #Metaverse #LIVE
Play the Squid Game and receive Rare and Unique NFTs in Dvision World NOW🔥
Did you know, that Dvision World has introduced the Squid Game-related gaming activities, such as Red Light & Green Light and Glass Bridge contest? All the high-ranked winners will be provided with an opportunity to win the Daily & Weekly NFT Boxes with very unique and attractive NFTs to be dropped on a random basis!
👉 Check out the article here to learn more: https://medium.com/dvisionnetwork/dvision-world-is-now-officially-live-56bd7f1ac4db
👉 Play the game now: https://dvision.app/en/guide/download
🔥 We will give $500 to 5 people randomly (RT & Tag 3 friends): https://twitter.com/Dvision_network/status/1455105612954542084