[NOTICE] Dvision LAND Sale is over in 5 minutes. ALL SOLD OUT. Dear community members,.

24 Nov 2021, 11:51
[NOTICE] Dvision LAND Sale is over in 5 minutes! ALL SOLD OUT! Dear community members, The LAND Sale in Binance NFT was over in 1 second and the secondary sales are occuring on x40 at this moment. All the LAND Lots were sold out on Dvision in a matter of 4-5 minutes! The NFTb sales are also over at this moment! All the LANDs are SOLD OUT OFFICIALY! Thank you everyone for your kind participation. We will soon announce about the updates on the secondary marketplace support for the LAND NFTs. šŸ‘‰ (Sold Out) Dvision Marketplace: šŸ‘‰ (Sold Out) Binance NFT: šŸ‘‰ (Sold Out) NFTb: